Issue 29 – View From Otakon

Well the Blog Wyrm staff is on its annual visit to Otakon. For those who don’t know, Otakon is one of the largest anime conventions in the United States. As a gathering of people with similar interests, Otakon is quite impressive. Its sheer size and pageantry is amazing. But what strikes us at Blog Wyrm is the diversity in people. Different races, nationalities, economic status, genders, and types of people participate by the thousands. Generally, everyone gets along quite politely and respectfully and the biggest ‘conflicts’ occur over matters of taste and aesthetic.

This week, Blog Wyrm continues with its contribution to respectful sharing of views and opinions.

Part four of the ongoing About Comics series examines The Wicked + The Divine. This modern comic stand somewhat in contrast to the earlier approaches examined in that there is a greater emphasis placed on the style of the page rather than the substance of the story.

Love the outdoors? Out looking for a new hobby? Try your hand at geocaching. Don’t know what that is? Take a look at this week’s Ballgame and found out about this growing hobby.

Shaken, not stirred. James Bond defined a film genre back in the day, but that day has long since passed. Or has it? Mosey on over to Greenscreen and read about Kingsman, a fresh and exciting take on the gentleman spy. It’s got it all: action, comedy, romance, Samuel L. Jackson, and, of course, martinis.

The post-grad life is hard. Dead-end minimum wage jobs, career applications up to here, and few prospects on the horizon. Tidbits narrates the process (humorously, we hope) with some of Jack’s personal experiences and observations.
