Issue 28 – Some Good, Some Bad

We at Blog Wyrm are deeply saddened by the violent incidents that have happened in South Carolina and in Tennessee. Our thoughts and prayers go out to all the family and friends involved, who are grieving and in pain. Our thoughts are also constantly with those families who are effect by violence but who are not noticed on the public stage. These are the victims of the ‘slow and steady’ pace of violence rather than those involved in the ‘big events’. It saddens us that many residents in the poorer sections of the large cities live with these type of events on a day-to-day basis without even the comfort that the rest of the country is aware of their plight. That’s the bad part. The good part is that we can change this. To paraphrase Shakespeare, the fault lies not in our media outlets but in us. If we consumed the media in a much more reasonable way and demanded substantive coverage rather than shocking fluff, real change might actually be affected.

Anyway, this week Blog Wyrm continues to bring informative and columns without the big media hype.

Part three of the ongoing About Comics series examines how Neil Gaiman built his award-winning Sandman comics. In contrast to the EC-method, Gaiman’s approach is much more writer-centric.

In a fighting game, your attacks take up real space in the game. Often times, people get wrapped up in the longer range attacks without considered whether or not it’s safe to use those moves. This week’s Pretzel Motion is a primer on spacing, the footsies-related concept of where to position yourself on the ground and when to use your best attacks.
