Issue 89: Happy Halloween

Well it’s almost that time of the year again. As the bite of cold sneaks into the autumn wind, carved pumpkins begin to appear on front stoops. Soon kids will journey out in their favorite costumes to wrangle as much candy as they can. Adults of all stripes indulge in a bit more theatrics. And horror movies become more prevalent on TV. We at Blog Wyrm wish all our readers a happy and spooky Halloween. Boo!!!

Now onto the posts.

There once was a time when books, movies, and TV took risks and experimented with new stories told in novel ways. There was also a time when comics took risks and experimented as well. This month’s About Comics takes a look at one such experiment – the short-lived but influential Coyote series by Steve Engelhart.

We all use linguistic hedges to modified the things we say. We can be very hungry or quite tired or somewhat bored. We employ phrases that convey different meanings when spoken compared to when read – think sarcasm. Any natural language processing machine that aims to pass the Turing test better know how to handle all these nuances. Aristotle To Digital looks at a particularly humorous hedge that is sure to present a challenge.

If you don’t recycle you are killing Mother Earth. That is the common wisdom. But as Common Cents shows, sometimes common wisdom is simple common trash.

This month’s Under The Hood looks at elastic deformation and presents the basic mathematical model for strain that results.
