Issue 45: Our sympathies

Well is has been a rough week on the international stage. The aftermath of the terrorist attacks in Paris has left an attack in Mali and other incidents of violence in its wake. Much of Western Europe is on high alert as well as New York and Washington. The thoughts and prayers of the entire Blog Wyrm staff goes out to the families and friends who lost loved ones.

What does it mean to say a computing problem is hard? How about NP-Hard? This week Aristotle to Digital discusses these points as they relate to a very simple problem called the subset sum problem.

As a society we value literacy. We find it hard to see how someone can succeed and have a fulfilling life if that someone can’t read. Unfortunately, we don’t place the same priority on mathematical or economic literacy. Common Cents presents a case where the numbers simply don’t add up for a young woman seeking to make the world a better place.

About Comics asks the question as to what happened to the fine art of exposition in comics. Are thought bubbles, clues to the story, and continuity so bad? Many modern comics seem to think so.

Finally, Under the Hood examines the formalism of the First-Order Gauss Markov process and how it can be applied to physical systems with unmodelled forces.
