Issue 39: When It Rains…

When it rains it pours. So goes the old saying and it just may have a point. After a relative dry summer, complete with desiccated, brown grass, and trees that are dropping prematurely yellow leaves well ahead of schedule, the rain is back and with a bit of a vengeance. Tropical Storm Joaquin morphed into category 4 hurricane fairly quickly and its path is still a bit uncertain as we head into the weekend. We at Blog Wyrm hope and pray for the safety and comfort of all in its path (even though we are grateful for the much needed rain).

Speaking of rain, its a good thing that there is Federally subsidized flood insurance for people who live in flood zones. Or is it? Common Cents looks at the moral hazard that such insurance can cause when the subsidy encourages people to build in places where common sense suggests you shouldn’t.

Aristotle to Digital examines the question of how time is represented. Originally defined in terms of motion, the representation of time has become, over the years, more and more abstract. Is there a point where we should abandon our notions of continuous time?

It’s off to the Baltimore Comic Con as About Comics gives the Blog Wyrm staff’s impressions from one of the bigger gatherings in the world of comic books – attracting creators, fans, and cosplayers from all over the East coast to Charm City.

Tidbits is back this week, admittedly a little worse for wear. It turns out that maybe that new job wasn’t all it was cracked up to be.

Finally, Under the Hood continues on, perhaps at a snail’s pace, looking into the Laplace Transform. This week, the Laplace Transform is applied to a simple but real system of equations – the ever popular simple harmonic oscillator.
